
Below are a few starter resources which admin users have added. In the next update of the website the plan is to allow YOU to register with the site and add content, approved by an administrator. Not incredibly useful for the moment I know but bear with us, please!

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Resource Level Resource Category Title Description URL Added Submitter
Sylfaen Varied BBC Cymru Wales Learning - learn welsh A varied selection of resources for all levels. 18/08/2014 NK Details
Mynediad Vocab Say Something In Welsh Downloadable (paid for) courses for Welsh learners with a focus on developing conversational skills. 18/08/2014 NK Details
Varied Grammar Cysill Ar-lein Online Welsh proof reading tool/ grammar checker 19/08/2014 NK Details
Varied Varied Y Bont A national Welsh for Adults e-learning platform 19/08/2014 NK Details
Varied Varied Hwb Lots of video content from Hwb, the programme for Welsh Leaners recently departed from our screens. 01/09/2014 NK Details
Varied Varied We Learn Welsh A Welsh language blog that covers vocabulary, grammar, idioms and other topics related to the language. 28/07/2019 tokyonights7 Details
Varied Varied Discord: Sgwrs Dysgwr Cymraeg A Discord server created by Welsh learners for Welsh learners, warmly welcomes individuals at all stages of their Welsh language journey. 15/07/2024 Alecs_ap_Wyn Details