Welcome to Dysgwyr.co.uk!

We hope this website will, over time, prove a useful tool in the armoury of the learner of the Welsh language.


Beth fasech chi'n hoffi ei weld ar y wefan 'ma neu fel 'Apps' i gefnogi eich dysgu? Anfonwch eich awgrymiadau aton ni!

The Website

We're developing a database of resources that we and others think are useful to Welsh learners as well as Welsh speakers. We started to provide access to this through the website under Resources Database. It is a work in progress. In particular we want to extend the facility so YOU can post your own links and we can therefore 'crowdsource' the development of the database. For the moment please do email in your suggestions for good resources.

The Apps

In parallel and sharing some of the same information resources available through the website we have ideas for a number of phone/ tablet/ Windows 8 apps to facilitate and stimulate learning, from a cross device bilingual dictionary to word games to improve vocabulary.

Our first app and it has recently been published in the Windows Phone Store . Here is the spiel:

"This first windows phone 8 app from Dysgwyr.co.uk (dysgwyr = learners in Welsh) is intended to provide a gentle introduction to the Welsh Language in the form of categorised sets of Welsh vocabulary spoken by a native Welsh speaker. We hope you find this first version of the app simple but effective in providing guidance as to the pronunciation of common words via the included audio files. We welcome feedback both on how we could improve the app and regarding ideas for other apps Welsh learners might find useful."

What's next? A slightly bigger project in the form of version 1 of a Welsh-English / English-Welsh dictionary based on the excellent work of Kevin Donnelly over at Eurfa. We're hoping to have the Windows Phone 8 version 1 with you by the New Year, followed perhaps by a Windows 8 version if there is a demand for it. We also need to get to sorting out and extending this website!